How we do the intake? It is up to you!
If possible, we can meet in real life on a location practical for the both of us.
If not possible or more preferred: we can do an online meeting (Zoom/Skype/Teams) with or without video or use the telephone.
How long is the intake?
Well... that depends.
Based on what we have to discuss, how many questions there are, the amount of how much we like to share.
I do not work with a clock, we take as much time as we need and if we have the feeling we need a follow-up then we schedule a new appointment.
What is in the intake?
The intake is all about you and all about how much you like to share or what might be relevant for me to know.
Think about:
- What is your history?
- Did you had any injuries?
- What are your goals?
- What is your ambition?
- What sports do you do?
- How much time do you have to train?
Above examples are far from complete, literally everything we can think about is something we can discuss. If it passes your thoughts, it is worth talking about!
We had the intake, now what?
We will end the intake with our first conclusions if we want to team-up. If not, no hard feelings. If not yet, take your time to think about it.
If we do we will end up with a first plan. No workouts yet, just sorting the puzzle for the period we like to approach first. That time period can vary from a test-period (1-3 weeks), first trainingplan (4-6 weeks) or an annual plan.
Based on that puzzle i will send you an e-mail with a summary and if you agree with the plan we start our collaboration.
How much cost the intake?
Well, that is easy. The intake itself is free and without any obligation.
Additional costs (travel/drinks/diner/accommodation/etc.) can be a reason to declare.
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